Story number 2 for 14 Sep 2000

By September 14, 2000

Next, young people will hear the Gospel message in the Czech Republic, and they’ll hear it at school. International Needs’David Culross says because of the country’s openness to having classes in morals and ethics, they’re starting a new program address that. “In the Czech Republic there are 3,725 schools of what we would call junior high and senior high ages, with over 400,000 students. We’re launching a nation youth outreach campaign that over the next three years that will enable us to touch every one of those 400,000 young people.” Culross says the program is Biblically based and will ultimately point studnets to the Savior. He’s asking people to pray. “That the young people will be open to the teaching that is given in these sessions and that they will respond to Christian youth clubs, follow up activities and summer camping. And, as far a resources is concerned, we need to fund eight workers as quickly as possible while these doors remain open.”

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