(Colombia)–Next, Voice of the Martyrs is reporting another murder of a Colombian pastor. This latest information seems to confirm an escalation in trouble for believers there. Evangelical Free Church Mission’s Latin America director, Tim McIntosh says the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, may have switched tactics. “Now, it seems like bringing the church into this is part of the strategy, which is a significant difference. A factor in all this, too, is that the Colombian presidential elections are going to be held this month, May 26th. The leading candidate, at this point, has said that there would be a crackdown on the FARC.” McIntosh asks people to pray. “The EFCM currently doesn’t have onsite missionaries. We’ve started a relationship with an existing indigenous Colombian organization, contemplating sending missionaries there. There still is a fairly significant missionary force with a variety of organizations, and we need to be praying for them.”