Story number 2 for 26 Jun 2001

By June 26, 2001

(China)–Meanwhile, there’s word from believers that a stepped-up campaign by the Chinese government is aimed at weakening, and ultimately destroying the house church movement. Life At Its Best’s Norm Nelson says now is the time for other believers to act. “We should stand with them by increasing our prayer support, and, most important of all, is getting copies of the Word of God to them. One out of two thousand Christians in China has a Bible.” Nelson says they are launching a mid-year “OPERATION GOD’S WORD” campaign to send 20,000 Bibles to the house churches of China. He says the believers are asking for two things: “Pray that we’ll remain strong in the face of persecution. That we’ll be true to the Gospel, that we will not fall back our commitments to Jesus Christ, and also, send us Bibles.” Life At Its Best partners with The Bible League to help believers, partnering in the planting of churches and the providing of training for indigenous pastors.

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