Story number 2 for 26 Mar 2002

By March 26, 2002

(China)–Meanwhile, despite increasing persecution against house churches in China, an evangelical group is preparing to take Bibles into that country. World Help’s Mike Clinton. “Our goal this year is to raise one-million Bibles to be printed and distributed within China. And, then the goal is, by the Olympics in 2008 in China, to see 50-million Bibles printed and distributed so that these believers then will have the word of God in their own language.” Clinton says their mission is to reach the unreached, and they can do that by providing Bibles at a cost of just five dollars each. “If we can get even a million Bibles printed and distributed in China, chances are that there is just going to be just a huge number, 10’s of thousands of new believers as a direct result of that. As now these young church planters have now the word, they’ve got it where they can read and study, I think it’s going to make more effective church planters and evangelists throughout their country.”

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