Story number 2 for 7 Jul 2000

By July 7, 2000

Meanwhile, a unique compact medical ministry is saving lives around the world. Dr. Milton Amayun with International Aid explains that “lab-in-a-suitcase” is a portable, compact, inexpensive laboratory that can generate immediate results to people in remote places around the world. “Normally countries like China would be closed to regular missionaries. Medical missionaries who are able to bring technology and diagnostic equipment would be welcome to places like Tibet and China. And we have seen this happen in places like Cuba, North Korea. Our partners in North Korea have been using this lab-in-a-suitcase as well as in former Soviet Republic.” There are thousands of Christian hospitals worldwide and many lack diagnostic equipment. These Christian doctors often find it frustrating that they lack the time to share more of the Gospel with their patients. “If they are able to do their work well. if they are able to get the tests that they need to make the diagnosis right, then they are able to gain a relationship for their patients.”

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