(India)–An evangelism project that has seen great success for the past 50 years in Latin America has recently been introduced to India. Latin America Mission’s Ken MacHarg reports. “”Evangelism-in-Depth” was begun by the Latin America Mission using door-to-door evangelism, medical caravans and other methods that involve the entire community over a long period of time. Now, these biblical principles are being used in India. Following its introduction last year, one pastor reported a 50% increase in attendance as church members have begun sharing their faith with family and friends. Many in India report success with “Evangelism-In-Depth” through women evangelists. Male evangelists are often persecuted in Indian villages, but the society respects women and will not openly hassle them. Also, women have more openings to Indian homes as men usually go out to work while women stay home during the day. For Mission Network News, I’m Ken MacHarg.”