(Papua New Guinea)–A new tool to help in evangelism and discipleship was dedicated recently in Papua New Guinea. JAARS, which speeds Bible translation by providing quality services for Wycliffe Bible Translators and others, has been working among Alekano (ah-LEHK-ah-noh) people there. Ellis Deibler help translate scripture into Alekano, which enabled the production of the Luke Video. “The visual means of communicating the Gospel has great affect, because they’ve never seen anything like this before. And, so we’re believing that God will use it in many ways amongst our people. Not only in evangelism, but as a teaching tool as well.” Deiblers says despite the Alekano being a third world people group, the video will be watched. “There’s electricity into every village now. There was non when we were there. They said, people all over the place have video players so they’re thinking that they’ll start off with 50. Maybe they’ll need two or three times that many copies to show.”