Story number 3 for 24 Jun 2002

By June 24, 2002

(South Korea)–With just four teams left in the World Cup, the Southern Baptist International Mission Board and the Jesus Film Project continue sharing the Gospel. And, as Felicity Barrow reports, the outreach is going well. “While most of the fans have come here to see their teams win, Baptists and other Great Commission Christians have come to win lost souls to Christ. More than 11,000 tracts, 1,500 Jesus Films, and over 100,000 visitors guides, containing soccer schedules, events and Gospel message have already been given out to the lost peoples of the world. We know so far that one Korean man and his two children have received Jesus as Lord and Savior after watching a copy of the Jesus Film that was given to them. Pray for an outpouring of the of God’s spirit to move in mighty ways during the World Cup. Reporting from South Korea I’m Felicity Barrow.”

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