(Philippines)–A church-planting ministry is believed to be partially responsible for forcing communist rebels from an area in the Philippines. Steve Wheeler with White Fields says rebels used a meetinghouse to promote their cause at night, while a pastor held a Bible study during the day. Wheeler says both groups would leave their literature for the other to read. “The people in the village they would come to the propaganda meetings in the evening for the rebels and they would see the Bibles and the tracts laying there and started picking these up. They began coming back to the Bible studies. And, over a period of time some of them began coming to the Bible study and (many) received Christ.” Unable to find new members, the rebels are now gone and a new church has been established. Wheeler says funding for more church planting is needed. “$100 a month can support a Filipino pastor to help plant a church. For a small amount of American dollars a person can support an entire church-planting ministry.”