Story number 3 for 27 Jan 2003

By January 27, 2003

(USA)–An evangelical mission organization is praying for the spiritual health of people in the United States. American Missionary Fellowship’s Lee Iseley is asking Christians around the world to do the same. Iseley says AMF is retooling their efforts to reach the lost. “Our nation is now one of the greatest mission fields in all of the world. We have more ethnic people coming here from various countries. They’re coming here and we find that the people we used to go and take the Gospel to are now here on our shores here. And so, we have a growing population of unreached people.” Iseley says they’re mobilizing Christian Education Evangelist Specialists to establish “Learning Communities”. “These are the people that we’re trying to raise up that will give us five years of their lives and go out and establish Bible studies. People that just want to serve the Lord reaching people for Christ. And, that will be a huge financial impact.” Pray that many people will volunteer and that the needed finances will be raised.

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