Ukraine was the target of an evangelistic effort that saw hundreds turn to Christ. International Evangelist Sammy Tippit , 70 Americans and Ukrainian believers teamed up together to reach the Zaporozhye (zaph-roh-shah) region of the country for Christ. “We were in countless villages where they had never had the Gospel. Where there we no churches, or just a handful of believers. We were in the major cities of the region. We saw about 2,600 people pray to receive Christ. Churches were born. So, we’re just thrilled with all that God did.” Tippit claims the unique part of this outreach is that local churches have taken ownership in the evangelistic program. “We had 70 Americans, we had 66 interpreters and we had an equal number of pastors. So, we had about 200 people who were doing what I do on a smaller level on a day by day basis. And, the affect was just multiplied. And, it was just a tremendous thing because they felt this was something that would continue on.”