Story number 4 for 18 Aug 2000

By August 18, 2000

Meanwhile, in the United States, youth pastors and lay leaders are getting the training they need to be effective in ministry. Youth Evangelism Explosion is gearing up for a special four day clinic scheduled for September 5th though the 8th. Vice President for Youth E-E Rick Bond says the training isn’t simply how to lead young people to Christ. “The old story about teach a person how to fish, rather than giving them the fish and then they eat. In this case the analogy goes even further. They will go places I will never go. And so I think it’s critically important to look at your ministry as a multiplication potential rather than just an addition.” Bond says training has changed, but the message hasn’t. “The message of the Gospel is timeless, changeless and “transcultural” however the generation in which we share it has changed quite radically. And so, we’re constantly looking at what we say and how do we best communicate that changeless, timeless, truth of the Gospel.” Openings for the Florida training are still available. Send your name, address and e-mail to: [email protected] to reserve your spot.

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