Meanwhile, nursing homes are the targets of evangelistic outreach in the United States. Evangelism Explosion calls the program Heart to Heart Ministries. Robbin Bernhardt is the director. She says they’re equipping the local church to minister to those who are confined by age or illness. She says this is an incredibly open mission field. “What we have found is that 60-percent of the nursing home residents never even have a visitor. And that it was projected that over 50-million people now living in the United States will spend their last days in nursing homes. So, we need to become aware of the opportunity and obligation to nursing home ministry.” Bernhardt’s prayer is that this kind of ministry catches on like wild fire. “Because it’s such a neglected area. Aging statistics have stated that by the year 2025 that there will be two senior adults for every teenager. And, that those over 65 are the fastest growing age group. So, faced with those numbers we really need to get out there and do something.”