Elsewhere, you might call his journey a full circle–Jaars Incorporated’s Nard Pugyao (POOHG-yow) first read a translation of the Scriptures in the Isnag language of his home village nearly four decades ago. He later returned to the Philippines to bring his tribe the New Testament and now, Jaars’ latest project. “We just got back a week and a half ago from the Philippines, to do the premier showing of the Luke video that was dubbed in my heart language of Isnag. And the exciting part is, it’s a ripple effect of what God has been doing among my people in the Philippines.” Pugyao says the video’s message speaks for itself. He shared this breakthrough moment: “One of my grade school friends said to me after watching this video, ‘Why would God allow such cruelty against His Son on my behalf? Why would He love me that much? But, this video shows me that He really does love me and this video is just encouraging me and it draws me closer to Jesus Christ.’ And I said, ‘Yes! That’s what this video is all about!’ ”