Story number 4 for 28 Jul 2000

By July 28, 2000

And, as the September Olympics draw closer, one mission group plans to gain as much insight as they can because they have started preparing for Athens 2004. AMG International’s Muriel Lovestrand, says they are already working on a new transformation center that will house witnessing teams that will come minister in Greece in four years. “We will have thousands of people coming from different countries who will help minister to the athletes in different languages. So AMG is kind of heading up that outreach.” Lovestrand says the building is being funded through donations and once the Olympics conclude, will continue AMG’s work. “The building once finished will be used for sports for young people of Greece but will also house the first Christian school in Greece which will be an ongoing help for the people of Greece, because to my knowledge there is nothing like that at least an official Christian school.” AMG International began in Greece in 1942; it continues to expand its outreach internationally.

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