Story number 4 for 31 Jan 2000

By January 31, 2000

Meanwhile, officials at the Jesus Film Project have some ambitious goals for the
current year. We talked with the director of the Jesus Film Project Paul Eshleman. He
shares some of the challenges facing the ministry that’s attempting to put the story of
Jesus in everyone’s language around the world. “I think the biggest challenges will be
those areas where the Jesus film doesn’t have access in the countries to free
distribution. We’re going to be using extensively the Jesus film on video cassette and
audio cassette. We would hope during this year to distribute some 10-million video
cassettes throughout the world.” According to Eshleman, they’re planning to produce
the radio version of the Jesus film in more languages this year. “We’ve developed a five
half hour radio programs and rather than push forward to get the Jesus Film completed
in some of the smaller languages of 10 or 15,000 people, we’re going back and
developing it for audiences of 20, 30 and 50-million.”

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