Story number 5 for 29 Oct 2002

By October 29, 2002

(USA)–And finally, a discipleship ministry that wants everyone to read through the Bible in one year is making it easier for people to read the Bible in other countries. Bible Pathway Ministries’ Karen Hawkins says their reading-through-the-Bible material is already on-line, but it’s growing. “Coming January we will have German on-line, which will be our 11th language on-line. And, we have six more Indian languages which will be added soon after that.” According to Hawkins, they have an incredible need for a Spanish proofreader to help with their Spanish on-line version. She says having the material on-line is important. “We find that we are receiving emails even from Arabic-speaking countries now. Often, there are no pastors or anyone that has had Bible training, particularly in the Islamic-controlled countries, and many of them have never had Bible school…and this helps them.” You can get a copy of Bible Pathway at BiblePathway-dot-org.

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