USA (MNN) — The are millions of people in Africa with needs. HIV/AIDS is rampant. Many people are living day-to-day not knowing where their next meal is coming from. Basic hygiene isn't a priority. However, Bright Hope International is asking you to do something about it and share the Gospel at the same time.
Chief Operating Officer of Bright Hope International Craig Dyer says they're kicking off their Med Packs Campaign. "A Med Pack is simply a small, undecorated cardboard box that we give you to fill with basic hygiene items–things like soap, toothbrush and toothpaste, a washcloth, band aids, and things like that. And then you mail it back to us, and we add a Bible to it and then ship it over to Africa in Uganda and Kenya."
Their goals is 50,000 Med Packs.
According to Dyer, this is an opportunity for people in the west to get engaged with people in another part of the world, while empowering the local church to be relevant. "They're delivered by local churches. We've seen it make incredible differences in people's lives physically, but also the Word of God — planting seeds in their hearts that hopefully will flourish and help Ugandans and Kenyans come to know Him."
While the physical help is appreciated, so is God's Word. Dyer says, "I've left villages where I've seen adults flipping through the Bible — it's an illustrated Bible — kids were gathered around and looking at the pictures. It's our hope that that Gospel message gets into people's lives."
Med Packs is a great way for some who may not feel called to go to the mission field to help reach the lost. "This is a terrific first step for people that maybe have heard about the AIDS crisis but have never really taken a step forward. This is hands-on. This is one box, touching one life in Africa."
If you'd like help provide a Med Pack, click here or call 1-866-904-7776.