Young woman calls brothers and sisters to prayer

By April 29, 2008

Zimbabwe (MNN) — A concerned e-mail came to Global Aid Network USA from a young woman in South Africa asking that Christians pray for the troubled nation. Since she grew up
in South Africa she wrote, "Once called the breadbasket of Africa, it is now in shambles."   

Her concern reflected the great need that the world reflected in Zimbabwe right now. As the
country teeters on the edge of destruction, Sunday April 27 marked the World Day of Prayer for Zimbabwe. However, GAiN USA is calling on Christians to pray for the country continually.

According to the young woman's e-mail, inflation is in the thousands of percents, and people are hungry and jobless. Unemployment is at 80 percent.  All this is not being helped by the still-unannounced results of the presidential election after three weeks of waiting. According to many polling stations, the opposition had won in the Parliament and the Senate, but no official word came was given on the presidential seat. 

The violence has increased in hopes that if there is a run-off election, citizens will vote for Mugabe out of fear. The government has called for a recount. which could mean the addition of illegal ballots. Mugabe was content to step down, but pressure from his military officials is forcing him to stay since there is the threat of punishment for war crimes and human rights abuses they committed should he leave office. 

Fear and poverty are the daily routine. GAiN USA wants churches to incorporate prayers for Zimbabwe into their meetings and to alert their congregations of the great prayer need. 

Pray for God's divine intervention in this dire situation and that many will turn to Christ in their need. Pray that peace will return and that fearful people will turn to Christ for protection and hope. Pray that the elections results will come out. Pray that God will stir the hearts and minds of those fortunate enough to live in peaceful nations, that they will pray without ceasing for their brothers and sisters.

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