Malaysia (MNN) — Gospel opportunities abound in Malaysia, but reaching certain people groups for Jesus carries a higher risk.
Malaysia (MNN) — Government expected to release classified report this week about 2017 abduction of Pastor Raymond Koh.
Malaysia (MNN) — A seven-year mystery waiting to be resolved.
Malaysia (MNN) — Judges recently struck down over a dozen Shariah-based state laws, saying they encroached on federal authority.
Malaysia (MNN) — The next hearing in a trial is upcoming.
Singapore (MNN) — BE 107 reaches a potential audience of seven million people in three countries.
Malaysia (MNN) — They discussed Malaysia providing humanitarian aid to Afghanistan.
Malaysia (MNN) — The Malaysian pastor ran a ministry helping people with HIV/AIDS, single mothers, and children.
Malaysia (MNN) — White flags are going up all across Malaysia as COVID-19 cases rise.
International (MNN) — Religious freedom advocates outline challenges in 26 nations, recommend administrative action.