Morocco (MNN) — “I came to Christ because the Word of God touched my heart and God opened my eyes [to] the truth.”
Morocco (MNN) — “I came to Christ because the Word of God touched my heart and God opened my eyes [to] the truth.”
Morocco (MNN) – In Muslim-majority nations the cost of choosing Christ is monumental.
International (MNN) — It’s an exciting season of growth at FMI.
North Africa (MNN) — North Africa was a thriving center of theological thought in the early centuries of Christianity.
Morocco (MNN) — Forecasts predict rain and the heightened risk of landslides.
Morocco (MNN) — “Ultimately, those true seekers will respond.”
Morocco (MNN) — Government aid has been slow reaching the quake zones.
Morocco (MNN) — Tifaouin Ministry sends help to stranded families.
Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — Refugee volunteers seem like a simple solution to meet increasing demand.
Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — MENA Leadership Center prepares Gospel workers for persecution.