Afghanistan (MNN) — Global leaders and Afghanistan’s neighbors hold a two-day, high-stakes meeting to answer the question: “What now?”
Afghanistan (MNN) — Global leaders and Afghanistan’s neighbors hold a two-day, high-stakes meeting to answer the question: “What now?”
Afghanistan (MNN) — Fear surges in Afghanistan as the final troops depart.
Kyrgyzstan (MNN) — The practice was only officially outlawed in 1994.
International (MNN) — Join TWR in celebrating World Radio Day!
Tajikistan (MNN) — New SAT-7 PARS program offering mental health support in Tajikistan
Pakistan (MNN) — Locust swarms munch their way across Pakistan, destroying crops and livelihoods as they go.
Afghanistan (MNN) — Believers press on despite continued hardship
Iran (MNN) — Dissatisfaction fuels underground Gospel growth
Central Asia (MNN) — God’s Spirit moves mightily in an unreached village