International (MNN) — You have a part to play in reaching the world’s deaf for Christ.
International (MNN) — ‘Sign language Bible translation can’t happen in a vacuum.’
International (MNN) — A new app has been produced that targets an unreached people group
Paraguay (MNN) — The deaf in Paraguay need God’s Word; help get the work started
Zambia (MNN) — Unique ministry heads for the hills as outreach grows in Zambia
USA (MNN) — Deaf Christians commit to become advocates for unreached Deaf worldwide
Kenya (MNN) –Translation teams celebrate deaf community’s reception of Bible notes
Kenya (MNN) — Scripture for the Deaf first in Kenya, maybe the world
USA (MNN) — Wycliffe Bible Translators may use avatars to help them translate Scripture for the deaf
International (MNN) — IMB sends out 60 missionaries to build the Kingdom