Pakistan (MNN) — Pakistan has arrested Islamic militants, Christians still at risk

USA (MNN) — U.S. House passes hate crimes, ICC says religious freedom is in danger
USA (MNN) — Hate speech legislation goes before the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, Christians are concerned

India (MNN) — Pastor threatened and church vandalized by Hindu extremists during Sunday service

Jordan (MNN) — Islamic radicals given a two-decade jail sentence for bomb plot
Libya (MNN) — ICC says four Muslim-background Christians in Libya are in custody in Tripoli

Sudan (MNN) — Kids Alive says the ICC arrest warrant may affect thousands
Sudan (MNN) — NGO’s are getting ready for the ICC decision on Sudan’s President

USA (ICC/MNN) — ICC says North Korea tops its Hall of Shame Awards

Iran (MNN) — Released Christians’ case remains open, believers face increased crackdown