USA (MNN) — InterVarsity moves ministry online after college campuses send students home to avoid COVID-19
USA (MNN) — InterVarsity moves ministry online after college campuses send students home to avoid COVID-19
USA (MNN) — It’s not too late to prayer walk a campus near you!
United States (MNN) — InterVarsity Christian Fellowship focuses on reaching Native students.
USA (MNN) — Half of colleges in America don’t have a Christian organization on campus, EveryCampus is working to change that with prayer.
USA (MNN) — Have you prayer walked a local campus?
USA (MNN) — As high as 75 percent of international students never see inside an American home
USA (MNN) — InterVarsity’s York Moore delves into the impact of campus ministry.
USA (MNN) — Sports can be an opportunity to preach God’s Word.
USA (Becket Law/InterVarsity) — Court orders University to let religious student groups stay
USA (MNN) — NCF helps nurses and students put a Biblical lens on their work