Jordan (MNN) — Daily headlines keep the Gaza war front and center for Jordanians, heightening anxiety and affecting Gospel work.
Lebanon (MNN) — Syrian refugees are running out of options in the Middle East.
Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — Refugee volunteers seem like a simple solution to meet increasing demand.
Iraq (MNN) — Amidst persecution, church leaders are reaching other minorities.
Jordan (MNN) — Demonstrations against high fuel prices have spread across Jordan.
Jordan (MNN) — Last year, Jordan gave the highest amount of work permits to Syrian refugees since 2016.
Jordan (MNN) — PTEE courses teach Susie how to lead, whether it’s a small group or a ministry.
International (MNN) — The invasion of Ukraine slashed wheat imports to several of these countries.
Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — MENA Leadership Center prepares Gospel workers for persecution.
Lebanon (MNN) — Critics of the deal say it won’t help long-term.