Sri Lanka (MNN) — Gospel for Asia plans relief effort in Sri Lanka as civil war ends
Sri Lanka (MNN) — Gospel for Asia plans relief effort in Sri Lanka as civil war ends
Nepal (MNN) — Christians uncertain after Maoist leader resigns
India (MNN) — 17 die in election violence, GFA house rebuilding on hold
India (MNN) — Gospel for Asia says a change is happening in India, Christians hopeful
India (MNN) — Gospel For Asia joins protests against Hindu violence against Christians
India (MNN) — Gospel for Asia graduates Bible students as persecution increases
India (MNN) — Gospel for Asia says reports of Dalit reconversions from Christianity back to Hinduism is propaganda
USA (MNN) — Registration for “Renewing Your Passion” Conference is underway
India (MNN) — Gospel For Asia says violence against Christians is worse, but commitment for outreach is strong