A blizzard proves a boon to a Romanian Christian radio station.

By February 9, 2005

Romania (MNN)–A vicious blizzard has blanketed Romania and parts of Europe. The storms and avalanches killed at least six people and left three missing, and Bulgarian authorities declared a state of emergency.

Digging out has been a long process, if it’s been attempted at all over the last two weeks. Shrinking food and fuel supplies have forced some to brave the still-brutal winter conditions.

Not everyone looks at the winter with dread. Little Samaritan Mission’s Florin Pindicblaj calls the storm a blessing in disguise. “The number of listeners of Little Samaritan’s Christian radio station raised many times in the last two weeks, because people are stuck home, and they’re listening to our Christian broadcasting.” That means new listeners who otherwise might not have been introduced to Little Samaritan Mission’s work.

It’s another indication that they’re growing. He says they’re ready. “We have prepared equipment to open three more radio stations.” As soon as the snow melts, they can really get things rolling.

The decision to wait, Pindicblaj explains, was a pragmatic one. “We worked in very hard conditions when we needed to put six kilometer-long trench to put wire around the antennae. That is one radio station in the mountains which we want to open as soon as possible. So, the winter is hindering us, but on the other side, it’s bringing good.”

With the experience gained from operating the LSM radio network in Moldova since 1994, the project of radio expansion into Romania went forward and currently LSM owns and operates 19 radio stations for Christian broadcasting and 6 more are in the process of opening.

Programming is primarily in the Romanian language but there is also music and programming in English especially targeting the younger generation of students, many of which are fluent in the English language.

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