A ministry launches its first-ever ‘mobile studio’ in India.

By September 28, 2006

India (MNN)–The World Cassette Outreach-India came up against a problem recently whose solution could open the doors for more languages.

Audio Scripture Ministries’ Tom Dudenhofer details what happened. “As the people began to do the reading, the culture shock of moving them from their country villages to the thriving city of Bangalore, where the central studios are, located was too much for them.”

That turned into a project-killer. Dudenhofer shares that, “They were very young men. Within about a week and a half, both of them were so despondent that they had to leave and never finished the recording.”

Aware that this could happen again, team members began coming up with creative solutions. Their answer led to ASM’s first ever ‘mobile studio’.

Instead of taking the readers to the studio, they can take the studio to the reader. Dudenhofer says they’ll be using a laptop computer, an analog digital interface, a small mixing board, and a microphone.

Which immediately puts freedom to the number of languages that can be recordered, and provides greater access to God’s Word for more people.

All this launches in the next few weeks. “The first session is going to be made with an apprenticed recordist. Their goal is to train at least two more Indian recordists so that the recording jobs that are simply out there waiting for us to do can be sped up a bit and we can get more of these languages into audio.”

Funding is needed for these projects. Pray for protection and safe travels. If you want to be a part of the mobile studios, or to help Audio Scripture Ministries, contact them using their information listed here.

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