A Senegal tribe hears the Gospel on radio.

By December 28, 2004

Senegal (MNN)–A new outreach is beginning in Senegal.

A local radio show host recently asked a New Tribes Missionary to talk about Christmas, just two days before the celebration of the holiday.

The topic of discussion was “Christmas”, but NTM’s Dave McKee said that would be “like putting a roof on a wall-less round house”. When he pointed that out, the show’s host told him to handle it however he wanted to.

While an open door, McKee wanted to move carefully.

In the course of the discussion, the show’s host also extended a standing monthly invitation to explain why the missionary team is in Dakar, Senegal.

In the course of the programs, the Balantas will hear words of Scripture in their own language for the first time. Pray that many will want to hear more, and that the importance of God’s written word becomes clear to the tribe.

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