Christians are being called to join a volunteer Bible army

By May 24, 2004

USA (MNN) — It’s an effort to place a billion Bibles into the hands of those who need God’s word. Bibles for the World has launched what they’re calling the Billion Bible Campaign and the first phase of that project needs you to get involved.

Bibles for the World’s Eric Foley says the program isn’t just to place a billion Bibles. “The Lord showed us that the other half of our mission was to transform the way the global church thinks about missions. Instead of individual Christians supporting missions work, we see that the Lord is calling us to help individual Christians to become missionaries. We’re working to bring out the inner-missionary in every Christian,” says Foley.

That’s why they’re launching what they’re calling the “All Volunteer Bible Army.” Foley says many Christians in the United States have multiple Bibles and many of them are just sitting on shelves collecting dust. He says too many Bibles have been in reserve status. “Now it’s time to call them up to active duty. And, the first offensive in the Billion Bible Campaign is the All Volunteer Bible Army. The first thing we’re going to do is ask all the Christians in the United States to contribute all the extra Bibles they have, to send to all the English speaking countries where Bibles are desperately needed,” says Foley.

The number of English speaking countries needing Bibles is quite large. Foley says, “We found over 50 countries where English is the primary language where Bibles that are gathering dust on shelves in Christian homes can immediately be called into active service and sent out, so that people who have never held a Bible before in their lives can receive one. And, isn’t it amazing to think that we can do that at no cost.”

That means anyone who has a spare Bible can be a missionary without having to leave their home.

The impact is two fold. “One, of course, is the impact of evangelism,” says Foley. “So, that’s a key impact. But, there’s a second impact and that the transformation of the global church into an organization that is ready for missions service.”

The great part is you are the one sending the Bibles. Foley says, “We’re going to send them the packing materials, two sets of address labels; one for them to hold on to and the other for them to put on the Bible. The one they hold on to they’ll put in their own Bible and pray for those people who will be receiving Bibles.”

Contact Bibles for the World at 888-38-BIBLE if you’re interested in joining the “All Volunteer Bible Army.”

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