International (MNN) — Teenage years bring many changes. The same can be said of ministries like DOOR International. Just as a teenager quickly outgrows their clothes, this Deaf ministry is outgrowing old methods.
“DOOR has been involved, officially, in our 2-by-2 program for 16 years now. One of the things we’ve realized is there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to beginning Deaf ministry in a particular country,” DOOR President Rob Myers says.
DOOR currently works in 20 countries, teaching Deaf believers how to share the Gospel and plant churches. With minor adjustments to its 2-by-2 program, Myers says DOOR can reach more Deaf communities in less time.
“The need for training Deaf leaders is vast. There are over 350 different Deaf communities out there; many of them are unreached.”
By changing how it assesses needs and begins work in new communities, DOOR can increase its impact. “There are four categories we typically find when we enter a new Deaf community to support [existing] work or begin new work,” Myers says.
“Many times we’ll encounter a community with almost no believers at all. Unfortunately, this is probably the most common.”
See a full description of the changes on page nine of DOOR’s annual report.
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“Deaf people have been cut off from the Gospel for so long. You’re talking about communities who may not have had access to the Gospel for thousands of years,” Myers notes.
“The enemy doesn’t want to see those strongholds come down, and those can only come down through prayer, through interceding; through asking God to do some miraculous things.”
Header image courtesy of DOOR International.