USA (MNN) — While some churches focus on reaching their neighborhoods for Christ, others team up with missions organizations to reach entire people groups. Believers work together to fulfill the Great Commission, identifying needs and supplying resources to finish the task.
“As we get closer and closer to that moment when Jesus comes back, we want to do everything we can to see as many people as we can worshiping the Lord with us,” DOOR International’s Rob Myers says.
“Deaf communities have long been denied access to the Gospel, and now is the time to see the Great Commission happen within these communities.”
DOOR International teaches Deaf Christian leaders how to share the Gospel, disciple others, plant churches, and translate God’s Word. More about that here.
“In each of those areas, we’re developing resources that help train, empower, and equip local leaders,” Myers says.
DOOR released its sign language Bible translation resources last year. Today, they’ve almost completed evangelism and discipleship resources in several sign languages. Those videos will be available in the first part of Summer 2024.

DOOR’s Translation Resources Development team finished developing how-to videos for translation teams. Now, they are passing on their knowledge and experience to the brand new 2-by-2 Resources Development team.
(Photo, caption courtesy of DOOR International)
Better yet, “We’re making sure that content is released through Creative Commons open licensing so other people can use it and then make it available to their communities with no license restrictions.”
Join DOOR’s newsletter list here and be the first to know when the new resources are ready. Pray for the Deaf every day by downloading DOOR’s monthly prayer calendar.
“If you have a heart for the Great Commission, we would love for you to come alongside the work that DOOR and other Deaf ministries are doing through prayer,” Myers says.
“The Deaf community has faced more barriers than almost any other people group that’s out there.”
Header and story images courtesy of DOOR International.