India (MNN) — Mission India will be restarting its regular programming as COVID-19 cases rise and flooding affects many parts of the country.
India’s Northeastern province of Assam has been hit hard by heavy rains this year and has already experienced massive flooding.

Photo courtesy of Mission India on Facebook.
The flooding has killed at least 80 and has affected over 3.5 million. Bartholomew* of Mission India says, “On top of that, it destroyed a lot of the crops that farmers were about to harvest. [The flooding had] a really unfortunate impact on the state of Assam. As you can imagine, if you lose your home, and the ability to sell your crops, [your] income is no longer there.”
Mission India is asking for prayers for their partners on the ground who are being affected by this flooding and its fallout. “Pray for our partners that they can be the hands and feet of Jesus in this really difficult time.”
COVID-19 in India
Flooding isn’t unusual for Assam this time of year, but India’s rising COVID-19 infections mean dealing with the fallout will be more complicated. See India’s latest COVID-19 numbers here.
Bartholomew says, “They are seeing quite an increase, like other parts of the world. Before, [most] areas that were really negatively impacted were cities such as Delhi and Mumbai. But now we’re seeing the spread of cases in the rural parts of India, which wasn’t as big of an issue before.”

Photo courtesy of Mission India on Facebook.
On April 9, Mission India shut down regular programs to focus on providing relief for COVID-19, which you can read about here. Bartholomew says, “To date, we’ve distributed over 75,000 relief kits. We’re just so excited and just so proud of the response. So many people have given to and supported through prayer during this crazy time.”
Restarting regular programs
But Bartholomew says the regular programs are coming back. “After a lot of thought, effort, prayer, and wisdom, we are restarting our adult literacy classes, our children’s clubs, and church planter training in areas that we are able.”
Mission India is working with the local officials and following best practices to make sure they can continue their programs safely. Visit missionindia.org to watch a video thanking donors for helping India during the COVID-19 lockdowns.
Pray this transition will go well for Mission India, and that they will be able to conduct their programs safely. Most of all, Bartholomew says, “Pray for Jesus love and grace to continue to transform the nation of India.”
The header image shows the flooding in the province of Assam in India. (Photo courtesy of Mission India on Facebook)
*Names changed for security purposes.