Government and other officials attend prayer event in Russia

By May 28, 2004

Russia (MNN/ANS) — More than 200 people attended this year’s National Prayer Breakfast, which was held last month, in the Marriott Aurora Hotel Moscow. Representatives from Russian Ministries served on the planning committee for the event, which brought together a wide variety of Christians for a time of prayer for their people and their nation.

The Prayer Breakfast brought together leading politicians, business people, and church leaders for a time of national prayer. Organizers sent special invitations to President Vladimir Putin, the Minister of Religion from the Duma, and the Minister of Religion from Putin’s national affairs department.

Among the attendees were representatives of the Russian National government, President Putin’s administration, the Social Democratic Party, the Right Forces’ Union Party, the Moscow City Administration, about 20 members of the Baptist Union, and other religious organizations.

“Prayer unified people from different churches, which is something new for Russia. As we bow with one another in prayer, I believe prayer’s power can jump over the obstacles that used to divide us and focus us more purposefully on reaching unbelievers in every segment of society and showing the love of Christ to them,” said Sergey Rakhuba, vice president of Russian Ministries.

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