India (MNN) — In 1910, the hard work of 24-year-old Watkin Roberts spurred the revival of an entire people group. Within two generations, the entire Hmar tribe, which consists of more than 700,000 people, had heard the Gospel.
Decades later, Bibles for the World is celebrating the 100-year mark since the Gospel was first spoken to the Hmar.
Today, 95 percent of the Hmar people are believers. But when Roberts first took the Gospel to the Indian tribe, just a few believed. One of the few was a man named Chawnga. Chawnga's son, Ro Pudaite, grew up to become co-founder of Bibles for the World, along with his wife, Mawii.
Mawii Pudaite says the ministry will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the coming of the Gospel to the Hmar with two grand celebrations. The Gospel Centenary Celebration will take place March 5 to 7, 2010 at Sielmat, Manipur, India.
The second celebration, the Rock Barak River Expedition, will take place from January 21 to 27, 2010 in Lakhipur, Assam, India. This celebration will begin with the dedication of the Watkin Roberts Centenary Chapel at Senvon (the grounds on which Roberts first preached the Gospel to the Hmar), and will include a celebration rally. You are invited to join in either celebration. To learn more, click here.
If you are unable to join in the festivities in India, there is still a grand opportunity to celebrate. Bibles for the World will embark on a new initiative this new year to bring the Gospel message to three million more in 2010.
"Together with you and our partners, we could meet the challenge of one million copies of the New Testament and two million copies of the Gospel of John, and give the Good News to three million people who are still waiting," says Pudaite.
It only costs only $2.25 to print and distribute the entire New Testament and just $.25 to print and distribute the Gospel of John. If you would like to help Bibles for the World reach their goal through donations, click here.
"Why not send more Bibles than ever before as we celebrate this story of transformation?"