Rwanda the focus of Bible distribution

By September 7, 2004

Rwanda (MNN) — HIV/AIDS continues to be a major concern for government leaders in Africa. Rwanda is no exception. The government is concerned not only about the physical problems, but the spiritual.

Rochunga Pudaite is founder and President of Bibles for the World. “There are almost 60-percent of the population are HIV infected in that country. We met with the president and he made a very strong appeal that these people are going to die, ‘would you be so kind enough to provide Bibles?'” he says.

This isn’t something that can be ignored. Pudaite says, “They are dying. They’re suffering with AIDS. They do not have the Bible. So, the president is appealing that we provide half a million Bible right away, so that these HIV affected people will have a chance to read the Bible at least once in their lifetime before they die.” Many of these people don’t have but two or three months to live, says Pudaite.

The investment is minimal. “The cost per Bible is $4. That includes the printing, the shipping and the postage. Everything is included there in the $4.

Pudaite says your investment could have an incredible impact. “They’re much more open to the Gospel because they know they’re dying. And, they need to know their final destination and we need to get them the word of God very quickly.”

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