Story number 1 for 12 Apr 2001

By April 12, 2001

(China)–Headlining today’s news, the spy plane controversy has Christians wondering how the shaky relations between the United States and China will affect evangelism. President of Open Doors Ministries Terry Madison gives us his explanation. “The problems between America and China are not going to affect the work of Open Doors at all. We’ve always worked from the premise that we obey God and not man. And so, we’re there and have been there for many, many years delivering scriptures and training pastors in what I call seminaries on the run.” According to Madison, Christians around the world need to pray…”For the safe delivery of tens of thousands of scriptures we have moving right now, and also for our pastors training programs. Without strong, able men and women of God to preach and teach His word – the church may be growing, but it’s not strong.”

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