Story number 1 for 17 May 2001

By May 17, 2001

(Middle East)–We begin today’s newscast in the Middle East where Palestinian and Israeli violence is being countered with a Christian message. SAT-7, a Christian satellite television network, is celebrating five years of proclaiming a message of love, forgiveness and peace found in a relationship with God. SAT-7’s Terry Ascott says the message is being received positively. “Most of our potential audience is not Christian in any way. Viewers from some 52 countries last year responded to broadcasts urging us to broadcast longer hours, asking for Bibles, more information about the Christian faith.” As they celebrate five years on the air, Ascott is excited about their growing ministry. “In a few days we start a 24 hour lease on a digital satellite channel covering all of North Africa, the Middle East and Europe too. And, on that, we will be able to have about 10 hours a day of broadcasting.” SAT-7 needs your financial support to help make sure the Gospel is heard throughout the Middle East.

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