(Ecuador)–Next, a new 300-million dollar airport in Quito, Ecuador means a missionary radio ministry will have to move. That’s the world from the President of HCJB World Radio’s Dave Johnson. Johnson says their tallest antenna lines up directly with the main runway of the new airport. “The government told us, ‘you don’t have a choice, once the airport goes up you have to be gone.’ And so, we had anticipated that and bought some property on the coast of Ecuador about a year ago and have doing all the preparations for a project that will end up costing us about 4.6 million dollars.” HCJB World Radio has about five years to complete their move, which Johnson says could allow them to go to digital short wave technology. (“We still don’t know what impact that will have, but we believe that will start being used worldwide in about three years. If that technology is well accepted, we could be getting in a much clearer signal.”