USA (MNN) – Have you watched Marie Kondo? Chances are if you live in the United States, you have heard of the Tidying Up guru. But did you know that as you tidy up, you could make a Gospel impact?
Thrifting for the Gospel
At World Mission, thrifting and sharing the Gospel go hand-in-hand. Through World Mission’s multiple volunteer-run thrift stores located in the United States, the organization is able to provide great deals to both the seasoned thrifter and the one just starting off. Plus, the profits from these stores generate revenue to send solar-powered audio Bibles, called Treasures, into hard to reach places.
“Places like Somalia and Bangladesh and Sri Lanka where it’d be very difficult for an individual to travel to. But if they serve in one of our stores, then they can allow that expression of the great commission to take place,” CEO of World Mission, Greg Kelley says.
These Treasures are strategic since they do not require an electric hookup. Also, these Treasures allow oral learners to be introduced to and even study the Scriptures. Kelley says two-thirds of the earth’s population are oral learners. For some who are oral learners but do read, their preferred method of learning is through orality.
“We have audio Scriptures and stories available in 5,000 languages. That allows the oral learner to engage and really, Jesus calls us to make disciples, not just converts. To make a disciple requires the Word of God. We want to present it to people in a format that will penetrate their heart,” Kelley says.
Get Involved
Getting involved with a World Mission thrift store is ease. For starters, the next time there is a need for a tableside lamp or a pair of jeans, head to the World Mission thrift store. Or, as Marie Kondo plays in the background and unneeded items are bagged for a resale shop, drop them off at a World Mission thrift store or at a blue and white World Mission drop box.
“When someone buys something, because the items are largely donated, when we receive the profits from that sale, then we’re also able to send our treasures out to places like India and Nepal and Indonesia, where there’s really very little mission presence. We send them into our national networks, and that person who shopped or volunteered at a local thrift store allowed that entire thing to happen,” Kelley explains.
Volunteer in a Thrift Store
Another great way to get involved with these thrift stores is by volunteering. Kelley says each time a volunteer serves four hours in a store; those four hours translate into one Treasure sent to an unreached people group (UPG). In a way, volunteers get to have an international Gospel impact without ever leaving their communities.
Not a local World Mission thrift store in the area? Then get in touch with World Mission to set one up! Kelley says the World Mission thrift stores are a turn-key model. There is not a location the organization is not “prospecting and looking for people to connect with us”.
Finally, the easiest way to get involved is through prayer. Pray for the people serving to reach UPGs. Pray for the ability to generate resources, like what World Mission does, to effectively share the Gospel. Also, pray for ways you can get involved and perhaps start with World Mission.
To find a thrift store or start one, click here!