Thus begins translating the Old Testament

By November 5, 2013

Ghana (MNN)—How often do you stop and think about the Bible as a translated book? Not often, right? For many language communities, it is a huge joy and excitement to have just the New Testament translated.

Being able to read and understand the Bible in one’s own language is a major gift. But with only having half of God’s Word, the task of translating the Old Testament begins.

Wycliffe Bible Translators USA is jumping at the opportunity to translate the Old Testament. Mary Steele, a Bible translation consultant, will soon begin to work with the Vagla language team of Ghana, checking translations of Deuteronomy, and possibly Nehemiah and Daniel.

Praise the Lord that the New Testament has already been translated in Vagla. The communities are anxiously awaiting more of God’s Word.

Pray for wisdom for all who are involved. Pray God’s Word is made available for more language groups.

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