Tragedy and war escalate, yet Christmas holds hope for Sudan

By December 22, 2023
christmas, sammy tippit, unsplash

Sudan (MNN) — As Christmas approaches, we’ll consider Isaiah 9:6 again in the context of conflict. See our previous stories here.

In the early verses of chapter 9, Isaiah foretells a royal Savior. “These verses have great meaning in the context of Sudan, given that the government has become the enemy,” says John*, an unfoldingWord partner.

“People are running like sheep without a shepherd, looking for security.”

Christmas reminds us that Isaiah’s prophecy and others like it were fulfilled in the birth of Jesus Christ, John adds.

“When it says ‘The government will be upon His shoulders,’ it’s a reminder that evil will not win because the ultimate, absolute rule belongs to Jesus.”

Sudan’s current events make it challenging to believe evil will not win.

(Graphic courtesy of unfoldingWord)

The civil war that began in April and has uprooted over seven million people continues to spread. Aid groups like the UN struggle to feed and shelter thousands who desperately need help.

Plus, Sudanese farmers couldn’t plant their crops because of the fighting, so a massive food crisis looms.

Yet, hope remains. “As I mentioned in previous interviews, Christians and Muslims are being driven into the same geographical location” by the war, John says.

“There is a harvest (of souls) taking place.”

Pray that many Sudanese will turn to Jesus for salvation as they hear the Gospel in their heart language.

In refugee camps outside of Sudan’s strict Islamic rule, “They (Muslims) are free, for maybe the first time in their life, to consider Jesus,” John says.

“It’s not religion, it’s not Christianity – it’s to consider Jesus the Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:7 says, ‘Of the increase of His government and His peace, there will be no end.’”

Support Gospel workers through John’s organization here. We cannot publish names or details for security purposes.

Pray for endurance and strength for Gospel workers as they lead new believers through Bible studies. Pray for Sudanese Bible translation teams as they continue working despite the war.

“The promise of the Son of God is a powerful one, and we are seeing that power unleashed as we do translation verse by verse, passage by his passage,” John says.





Header image is a representative stock photo courtesy of Robert Thiemann/Unsplash.

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