Ukraine watches warily as Russia gathers troops in Belarus

By October 24, 2022

Russia (MNN) — An estimated 9,000 Russian troops recently transferred to Belarus for so-called joint training exercises. While Ukraine’s northern neighbor has not directly entered the war, Belarus did give logistical and political support to Russia.

Roughly 200,000 men have been mobilized or drafted into Russia’s war effort so far, President Vladimir Putin says. Many new soldiers wind up on the front without training or equipment.

TransWorld Radio contacts in Belarus and Russia face an uncertain future. The men could be drafted into the armed forces any day.

“They are living under many fears, questions, [and] worries,” Dirk Müller of TWR Europe says.

“They pray, ‘God, what is Your will? Where should we go? Georgia, Turkey, Armenia; or, should we stay?’ It’s a daily challenge to not [make decisions] by fear, but by faith.”

To protect its contacts, TWR does not publish much information about the Gospel workers in Belarus and Russia. However, these workers – like believers across the border in Ukraine – face trials and heartbreak as a result of the war.

(Photo courtesy of TWR)

For example, one TWR “contact” is a married couple living in Russia. These believers have a son we’ll call Igor. “He turns 18 [years old] in a couple of months, and this son will be called into military training, basic training,” Müller says.

“[Igor’s] parents are terrified by the thought that he might be serving in the war against the Ukraine.”

Whenever you pray for Ukraine, please remember to pray for people in Russia and Belarus, too. TWR and its contacts work ardently to broadcast the hope of Christ to all three countries. More about that here.

“[Pray] that this terrible situation would lead Christians to be strengthened. Pray those who don’t know Christ will become followers of Christ,” Müller requests.

See all of TWR’s situation updates from Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine.



Header image depicts Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko meeting with the President of Russia Vladimir Putin at the Bocharov Ruchei residence in Sochi, Russia. (Wikimedia Commons)

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