Syria/Lebanon (MNN) — Qusair the latest battleground in ongoing Syrian war
Syria/Lebanon (MNN) — Qusair the latest battleground in ongoing Syrian war
Bolivia (MNN) — Study reveals an easy tool to fight child hunger
International (MNN) — Poverty: caused by broken relationships
Bangladesh (MNN) — Blogger encouraged by God’s work among broken communities
Bangladesh (MNN) — Bloggers see impact of child sponsorships on Bangladeshi families
International (MNN) — Slavery still exists, and about half of its victims are 18 and under
DR Congo (MNN) — FH sees success in Africa’s battleground nation
International (MNN) — Will we see a global food crisis in 2013?
Mozambique (MNN) — Medical workers can now reach their patients, thanks to FH
International (MNN) — Food for the Hungry says you can give a much-needed gift and honor a loved one at the same time