Colombia (MNN) — Luis Palau headed to Colombia, Bibles For The World providing Scriptures
Colombia (MNN) — Luis Palau headed to Colombia, Bibles For The World providing Scriptures
USA (MNN) — West Michigan Christians prayed together for revival in their region
USA (MNN) — Being intentional about community outreach
Australia (MNN) — Thousands hear the Gospel at CityFest
Albania (MNN) — Albania sees more than glimmer of hope with the help of the Gospel
USA (MNN) — Projects transform community leading up to two-day festival of concerts and motocross
Haiti (MNN) — What’s in a festival? A lot of hope.
USA (MNN) — Women to unleash power of prayer throughout the country
International (MNN) — Four-day Continente 2011 ‘Night Talk’ reaches millions with the Gospel
International (MNN) — Evangelist Luis Palau undertaking mass outreach to Spanish-speakers