China (MNN) — The impact of having a Bible in your hands can’t be underestimated.
China (MNN) — Amid increasing difficulties, Christians in China need multiple ways to access God’s Word.
International (MNN) — On-demand printers make Scripture immediately accessible in rural areas
China (MNN) — The ministry provides Bibles to be distributed in rural China.
Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — A distribution change will answer the Congo’s diverse needs
United States (MNN) — Despite the advances of technology, print Bibles are not obsolete
International (MNN) — Ministry chooses “both/and” not “either/or”
Haiti (MNN) — World Missionary Press supplies partners with literature in Haiti
International (MNN) — “The Lord will provide in His time.”
International (MNN) — New systems let believers easily print Bibles in hostile countries