Ukraine (MNN) — For many children, summer camp is a time that can change the direction of their entire lives for Christ.
Ukraine (MNN) — For many children, summer camp is a time that can change the direction of their entire lives for Christ.
Lebanon (MNN) — Lebanon and its overcrowded refugee camps aren’t exactly a tourist hotspot. Yet the Holy Spirit moves in desperate situations.
Russia/Ukraine (MNN) — SGA is providing normalcy with Ukrainian kids summer camps.
Former Soviet Union (MNN) — Local churches continue to support people in need during the pandemic.
USA (MNN) — COVID-19 pandemic: one year later.
Russia (MNN) — Help send a child to a summer camp with SGA
Russia (MNN) — Help SGA throw its annual summer camp ministry
Ukraine (MNN) — Ukraine summer missions: making the most of your summer
Ukraine (MNN) — Asking a thoughtful question could change lives in Ukraine
USA (MNN) — Keys for Kids will launch new program, Keys for Camps, this summer