International (MNN) — The app will be made available in 15 languages.
International (MNN) — The app will be made available in 15 languages.
International (MNN) –The messaging app WhatsApp fell under controversy in January.
International (MNN) — In December, Sammy Tippit Ministries held a virtual evangelistic and discipleship event.
International (MNN) — Not everyone wants to hear the Christmas message, Sammy Tippit says.
Syria (MNN) — Triumphant Mercy gives aide and hope to departing refugees.
Syria (MNN) — It’s easy to think of Syria as the country of bad news, but the Holy Spirit is on the move, even during COVID-19.
Brazil (MNN) — Sammy Tippit Ministries has been ahead of the curve on digital Church presence; and now COVID-19 makes it more necessary than ever.
Brazil (MNN) — Sammy Tippit Ministries’ new WhatsApp program creates a space for Christians around the world to connect with each other.
International (MNN) — Reshaping the traditional church small group.
Brazil (MNN) — Sammy Tippit Ministries is offering discipleship training in May 2020