A second suicide bombing in Russia, many are terrified

By April 1, 2010

Russia (MNN) — Wednesday's double suicide bombing in the Russian Republic of Dagestan killed at least 12 people and wounded 23.

Sergey Rakhuba,
Vice President of Russian Ministries, says they have ministry in the region. He says a car was stopped by traffic patrol officers in Kizlyar: "As soon as they tried to stop them, they exploded themselves."

It's the second double suicide bombing in Russia this week. "People are simply terrified, not just in the area but all throughout Russia because it looks like Islamic radicals are trying to destabilize the peace in Russia."

However, Russian Ministries feels called to help change not only the feelings of terror, but the hearts of the terrorists. That starts with training next generation church leaders, "to help them to grow in Christ, to grow in leadership skills, to help them to work specifically in a cross-religious, cross-cultural kind of environment right there where Christianity meets Islam," says Rakhuba.

They do that through their Schools without Walls informal training program.

Rakhuba says small evangelical churches are spearheading the training, which is giving young believers the tools they need to reach kids. Rakhuba says, "[They're] protecting these young people from the brainwashing radicalism. They send the young people to Summer Camps so they can be become agents of peace and love. Families are so tired of the war and terror. They see true Christian love and a message from God."

Russian Ministries and other Christian groups aren't the only evangelism going on. "Cross cultural Islam is doing a lot there to cultivate that area for Islam," says Rakhuba, "and that makes work there a lot more difficult."

Summer camps aren't only having an impact on children. "As the parents come in contact with Christians there, some of them will spend time in the church to learn more." And many have come to Christ because of that work.

This summer, Russian Ministries is hoping to send 2,000 young people to Christian camps in this difficult region of Russia. You can help change a culture of fear and change a life for eternity with your $50 gift. $50 will sponsor a child to attend camp this summer.

You can see Russian Ministries work in nearby Beslan a few years ago by clicking here.

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